Friday, September 29, 2006

The Last Time...

You never know...

if that's the last smile you'll ever see,
if that's the last laughter you'll ever heard,
if that's the last conversation you'll ever had,
if that's the last words they'll ever mention to you
if that's the last time they'll ever talk to you
if that's the last quarrel you'll ever had with them,
if that's the last time they'll ever nag at you,
if that's the last time they'll look at you with such love in their eyes,
if that's the last time, they ever say 'i love you',
if that's the last time you ever touch,
if that's the last time you had a meal together,
if that's the last kiss you ever had,
if that's the last hug you'll ever get
if that's the last time you'll see them,
if that's the last wish for you,
if that's the last birthday you ever celebrate with them...

You'll never know...

So tell them what you know today; tell them how much you know today. Tell them how much they matter to you.

Tell it today. And you'll never regret it tomorrow.


Sometimes, news of death just scare me. And it's not their death which scare me but it's what we do before their passing that matter most.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Jeritan Jiwa: Satu

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Jeritan Jiwa: Satu

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Update - Job Vacancy (Admin Support)

There's changes to the entry i posted earlier. Here's the new and updated requirements:


Malaysian Citizen

Fluent in Bahasa Inggeris (English Language)

University graduate

2 to 3 years working experience

Must be IT Savvy and familiar with Microsoft Applications

Must be able to begin work in October 2006


Starting at $1,400 (approx RM3,206). Will be raise after probation period of 3 months.

Will be working in Singapore.

And please, this is a serious offer for serious candidate. If you think, you might be interested drop me your resume/CV at Or if you got questions, you can buzz me Y!M - kiezamy.

Again, i repeat. This vacancy is only for those who are interested. If you aren't, then let others (who are really interested) take up the opportunity.

Thank you for your attention.


Monday, September 25, 2006

The statistics

Rakyat Malaysia belanja RM90 juta sebulan beli rokok
Oleh Suhana Abdul Mutalib

SHAH ALAM 24 Sept. – Rakyat Malaysia membelanjakan kira-kira RM3 juta sehari atau RM90 juta sebulan untuk membeli rokok.

Menyedari fenomena membimbangkan itu, kerajaan Selangor dan Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah (HTAR) menganjurkan kempen khusus sempena bulan Ramadan ini untuk menggalakkan orang ramai terutama umat Islam berhenti merokok.

Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Tetap Hal Ehwal Islam Selangor, Datuk Abdul Rahman Palil berkata, jika dalam tempoh berpuasa perokok boleh mendisiplinkan diri tidak merokok, tidak mustahil untuk mereka terus meninggalkan tabiat yang bukan sahaja mengancam kesihatan tetapi juga pembaziran.

“Saya terkejut apabila angka itu didedahkan oleh Pengarah HTAR, Dr. Yahya Babai, cuba bayangkan RM3 juta sehari, kalau didarab sebulan dah jadi RM90 juta, kalau setahun?” katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.

Katanya, memandangkan pada siang hari umat Islam berpuasa, jadi beliau amat berharap kempen ini akan berjaya dilaksanakan seterusnya mengelakkan perbelanjaan merokok di kalangan masyarakat di negara ini.

Sementara itu, Abdul Rahman berkata, pihaknya juga telah mengeluarkan surat pekeliling kepada semua masjid di seluruh negeri agar menjadikan masjid sebagai kawasan larangan merokok.

Katanya, arahan itu diadakan bertujuan untuk mewujudkan persekitaran yang lebih sihat terutamanya di tempat suci seperti masjid yang mejadi tumpuan orang ramai untuk beribadah.

‘‘Jika pemeriksaan ke masjid-masjid mendapati ada disediakan tempat abu rokok, tindakan disiplin akan diambil, kita mahu masjid bebas sepenuhnya dari kawasan merokok,” katanya.


I certainly know people who are part of this numbers. Scary isn't it?


Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah!

2 Ramadhan 1427

Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:
"Puasa itu adalah perisai. Apabila seseorang di kalangan kamu berpuasa, dia tidak boleh (bercakap kotor) dan melakukan maksiat. Apabila seseorang mencacinya atau ingin bergaduh dengannya, hendaklah dia berkata: Aku sedang berpuasa." (Hadis Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Ramadhan Terakhir...

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Losing my sanity...

After some muttering under his breath, he put up his big hands reaching out to me;"Welcome to C*****!* and smiled.

I was dumbfounded. Stunned. But still manage to take his hand. "Ek, dapat sekarang ke?" "Habis tu bila, awak nak lagi sebulan..?" The man with the big hands said jokingly.

"Taklah..tapi tak expect sesenang ini." At that time,i could feel my heart literally kecut; memang boleh rasa physically lah hati gue mengecut masa tu. Heh.

"So after this, I'll take you to sign the Letter of Appointment."

"Eh now? Aaa..i need to discuss with my parents first." That time, you could really hear my brain working overtime; spinning reasons to spurn at the officer.

"Kata tadik dah discuss dengan parents.."

"Memanglah, tapi tu kata nak apply. Ni nanti bila dapat, diaorang terkejut plak.." I could feel fear gripped on my heart tightly.

"So how long will you need..?"

"Err..this week? I promise by this week.." At that time, i could only hear a voice telling me,"run away away!"

"Oklah. I give you till Monday?" "Ok," i nodded, getting up and getting ready to just bolt away fast.

But as an act of courtesy (kesian gaklah, yalah...dia bersungguh2 hulur tangan welcoming me but I asked to defer plak), i held out my hand to him. "Thank you."

And without looking back, i walked straight on. Even the policewoman at the door couldn't stopped in my tracks.

Scary. Damn scary..haha, what have i got myself into??

Damn short hair. Can't go home except on weekends for 7 weeks? Dang!

And when i saw the taxi driver's short crop hair, i cringed!!

Later, conversation with him;

"Wak, saya nak tanya soalan ni.."

"Apa dia..?"

"Kalau saya potong rambut pendek..." "Tak boleh!" He cut me short.

"Nantilah, saya belum abis tanya lagi.."

"Dah bagi jawapan, tak boleh. So semua tak bolehlah..."

"Then tak boleh balik rumah cuma weekends je dekat 2 bulan..?"


And that's just the answer i'm looking for. I had the answer right after the interview but i just need him to justify it. Heheh...

So, it's a NO!

Nak potong rambut yang panjang nie macam potong jantan tu? Lepas tu tak boleh balik rumah dekat 2 bulan? Adehhh..*shivers*

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Job Vacancy - Admin Support

An online shopping/trading company in Singapore looking for a suitable candidate for position of Admin Support;


Malaysian Chinese lady. Or a Mandarin-speaking lady.

University graduate

2 to 3 years working experience

Must be IT Savvy and familiar with Microsoft Applications


Starting at $1,300 (approx RM2,938). Will be raise after probation period of 3 months.

Will be working in Singapore.

Interested? Buzz me either at my Y!M or at my email:

This is for real, ok! :D

Are You Happy Now?

I'm done. So done. Guess i have reached the end of the road.

So..are you happy now?


Sometimes apology just don't cut it. Anymore.

I should know that. Been there, done that. And please, don't quote "we are human and human make mistake" kind of theory and explanation. It just won't work. Not this time. Not anymore.


Saturday, September 16, 2006

Orang salah sangka...

Bila kita jadi berkira dengan duit dan dah jadi macam si Haji Bakhil, orang salah sangka. Kita di katakan pelokek. Sedangkan kita cuba berjimat. Untuk kita jugak nanti.

Bila kita marah-marah, orang salah sangka. Kita di katakan marah-marah tak tentu pasal. Sedangkan kita ni kasihan dan simpati kat dia, takut di marahi orang lain pulak.

Bila kita tak jawab panggilan telefon ataupun mesej, orang salah sangka. Kita di katakan nak mengelakkan diri. Sedangkan talian telefon tu dah lama tak bernyawa.

Bila kita bagi nasihat tentang hidup, orang salah sangka. Kita di katakan macam nak mengatur hidup dia. Sedangkan itulah bimbang dan ambil berat seorang kawan.

Bila kita tegur tentang yang mana harus di pentingkan, orang salah sangka. Kita di katakan cuba halang mimpi-mimpi dia. Sedangkan kita hendak mencapai salah satu impian dia.

Bila kita tak reply emel-emel tu, orang salah sangka. Kita di katakan nak menipu. Sedangkan kita dah cuba terangkan tapi di desak juga. Jalan yang paling baik mendiamkan diri dan harap dapat di fahami. Tapi sebaliknya pula yang terjadi.

Bila kita minta tangguh dulu, orang salah sangka. Kita di katakan bagi alasan. Sedangkan kita cuba nak atasi masalah yang lebih genting juga. Kita pun rindu jugak tapi...

Dah tak tau nak kata apa. Nak ngadu kat siapa. Bahu ni serasanya kalau boleh senget menanggung beban emosi macamnie, dah lama menyendeng ke kiri atau kanan.

Bila kita buka mulut, semua orang salah sangka.

Mungkin lebih baik berdiam diri...


Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills my mind
I somehow find
You and I collide

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the stars refuse to shine
Out of the back you fall in time
I somehow find
You and I collide

- Collide, Howie Day

Friday, September 15, 2006

At 29 going 30

Nak cerita apa ek? Takmu cerita pasal kawin2 lagi sebab ada orang complain kita asyik cakap pasal kawin jek. At least i generalise kan..Huhu

Oklah, this list had been in my draft for quite a while now. So at 29 going 30...

1) Life seems easier back then. Everything is so straight forward. No frills, no thrills. I missed that kind of life.

2) I have always wanted to take up kickboxing. But i never find the time nor the courage to do that.

3) I wanted a stable, steady income. But at this age, it all seems to late to start now.

4) I want to get marry before 30. We'll see about that eh, heh. Insyallah..

5) I had visited the country of my dream; since i was a kid - Australia. One down, one more to go - New Zealand (this came about after watching LOTR, huhu..)

6) I wanted to study and be an accountant. A free-lance at least. But neither, did this come true.

7) I want to bring up my family the way i was never brought - with lots of love, respect, unwavering and undivided love and attention. Insyallah.

8) I or should i rephrase that as we wanted to go to Germany for the World Cup 2006. But guess, we took a raincheck on that when we realised how big the expenses will be.

9) I wish i could turn back time. And never err as such.

10) I had and lost an Angel. My Angel would have been 2 now.

11) I had cultivate a very strong habit - reading during my meals. Be it breakfast, lunch, dinner or even supper. I just had to read (newspapers,books, magazines) while eating. Susah nak buang dah ni, heh.

12) I realised that I might have a little bit of Bree (Desperate Housewives)in myself. Scary, huhu...

13) I have never a real best friend. Never. I may have found my soulmate but not a best friend. Guess i'll never did.

14) I have been hurt. A lot.

15) I'm in love and being loved; like never before.

16) I have understood people more. And realise that sometimes they do not work on the OS like mine, hah!

17) I might have OCD?? Heh.

18) I still have problem telling right from left.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Kawan & Gula-gula

Sesuatu untuk kita fikir2kan.


Kawan kata...

Perempuan tu ibarat gula-gula. Atau bahasa inggerisnya, sweet. Kan? Ke aku silap ye? =D

Dia suruh aku bayangkan, kedua belah tangannya menggenggam sebiji gula-gula tiap satu genggaman. Andaikanlah gula-gula fox yang berwarna-warni tu. Sekarang nie gula-gula tu berbalut, kemas je. Maklumlah, baru je beli.

Gula-gula yang terdapat pada tangan kiri, di buka plastiknya. Sekarang gula-gula tersebut tidak berbaju seperti gula-gula di sebelah tangan kanan. Kedua-duanya adalah gula-gula yang sama, bezanya satu berbaju dan satu tidak lagi berbaju.

Kemudian, kedua-duanya di letakkan ke atas pasir. Andai kata kawan meminta sahabatnya membuat pilihan gula-gula yang menjadi pilihan untuk di makan, agak-agak gula-gula mana yang akan sahabat tersebut pilih untuk di makan? Sudah tentulah yang berbalut tadi.

Begitulah ibaratnya jika kita tidak memakai tudung. Kita seperti insan yang sudah kotor, debu-debu dosa dari tayangan rambut kita kepada orang lelaki. Begitu juga dengan keistimewaan kita sudah terlihat dek mata-mata manusia di luar sana. Lelaki yang bijak tidak akan memilih wanita yang tidak bertudung sebagai teman hidupnya. Atas pelbagai asbab yang Islam pernah ajarkan. Perempuan (isteri-isteri) itu bisa menarik lelaki-lelaki (suami-suami) masuk ke neraka, oleh sebab itu lelaki perlu berhati-hati dalam pemilihan. Rasulullah pernah bersabda bahawasanya, ada 4 perkara yang perlu di lihat ketika mengahwini seseorang iaitu hartanya, keturunannya, rupanya dan agamanya. Maka, pilihlah agamanya terlebih dahulu nescaya terhindarlah diri kita dari azab neraka (tidak kira lelaki atau perempuan).

Kawan sambung...

Apabila sahabat kawan tersebut dah makan gula-gula tersebut, dia rasa kurang enak, tak sedap dan bermacam-macam perasaan lagi. Jadi dia ludah balik gula-gula tersebut. Cuba dia berikan pada orang lain di luar sana, adakah mereka akan makan gula-gula tersebut? Belum tentu ada yang nak, walaupun masih boleh di bersihkan dengan air mutlak di luar sana.

Perempuan itu seperti gula-gula, sangat cantik, tak boleh menahan nafsu bentuk gula-gulanya yang menawan. Tetapi, dalamnya belum tentu memuaskan hati orang yang makan. Kadang-kadang gula-gula tu rasa sedap masa awal-awal saja, dah lama-lama jadi payau pula rasanya. Jadi setiap orang mempunyai rasa yang berbeza mengenai gula-gula tersebut. Begitulah juga perempuan, awal-awal nampak saja manis di mata lelaki, tetapi makin lama menjemukan, tak best dan sebagainya.

Dalam bahasa lain, perempuan-perempuan yang sudah di 'tebuk' bagaikan gula-gula yang sudah di hisap kemudian di luahkan balik kerana sebab-sebab tertentu. Tidak semua lelaki sudi menerima perempuan yang sudah di 'tebuk' dengan alasan tidak mahu terkena penyakit yang mungkin akan membawa kepada kemudaratan di masa akan datang. Namun, tidaklah bermakna mereka hina-dina sampai tidak boleh langsung di terima, andai gula-gula tersebut di basuh dan di cuci semula, barangkali perempuan itu sudah bertaubat dan tidak akan mengulangi kesilapan yang sama di hari mendatang. Makanya, adalah salah jika kita terus-menerus menghukumnya dosa dan di benci saja. Ini berbalik kepada lelaki yang mempunyai taste yang berbeza dengan lelaki yang dah meludahkan gula-gula tersebut kerana perasa yang tidak kena.

Kawan tambah lagi...

Pentingnya di sini kita dapat lihat 'gula-gula' yang di tutup kemas tadi masih di pandang enak dan menjadi pilihan ramai lelaki. Cumanya, jika mahukan yang benar-benar tertutup kemas dari segala sudutnya, perbaikilah diri sendiri untuk menjadi yang lebih baik dari gula-gula tersebut. Sesungguhnya, wanita yang baik adalah untuk lelaki yang baik, dan lelaki yang baik adalah untuk wanita yang baik.


Source: Telah di cilok dari sini setelah meninggalkan message meminta keizinan =)

Monday, September 04, 2006

'Crikey' dies

‘Crocodile Hunter’ Steve Irwin killed by stingray
Internationally recognized environmentalist, 44, was filming documentary

CAIRNS, Australia - Steve Irwin, the hugely popular Australian television personality and conservationist known as the “Crocodile Hunter,” was killed Monday by a stingray while filming off the Great Barrier Reef. He was 44.

Irwin was at Batt Reef, off the remote coast of northeastern Queensland state, shooting a segment for a series called “Ocean’s Deadliest” when he swam too close to one of the animals, which have a poisonous bard on their tails, his friend and colleague John Stainton said.

“He came on top of the stingray and the stingray’s barb went up and into his chest and put a hole into his heart,” said Stainton, who was on board Irwin’s boat at the time.

Crew members aboard the boat, Croc One, called emergency services in the nearest city, Cairns, and administered CPR as they rushed the boat to nearby Low Isle to meet a rescue helicopter. Medical staff pronounced Irwin dead when they arrived a short time later, Stainton said.

Irwin was famous for his enthusiasm for wildlife and his catchword “Crikey!” in his television program “Crocodile Hunter.” First broadcast in Australia in 1992, the program was picked up by the Discovery network, catapulting Irwin to international celebrity.

He rode his image into a feature film, 2002’s “The Crocodile Hunters: Collision Course” and developed the wildlife park that his parents opened, Australia Zoo, into a major tourist attraction.

“The world has lost a great wildlife icon, a passionate conservationist and one of the proudest dads on the planet,” Stainton told reporters in Cairns. “He died doing what he loved best and left this world in a happy and peaceful state of mind. He would have said, ’Crocs Rule!”’

'A huge loss to Australia'
Prime Minister John Howard, who hand-picked Irwin to attend a gala barbecue to honor President Bush when he visited in 2003, said he was “shocked and distressed at Steve Irwin’s sudden, untimely and freakish death.”

“It’s a huge loss to Australia,” Howard told reporters. “He was a wonderful character. He was a passionate environmentalist. He brought joy and entertainment and excitement to millions of people.”

Irwin, who made a trademark of hovering dangerously close to untethered crocodiles and leaping on their backs, spoke in rapid-fire bursts with a thick Australian accent and was almost never seen without his uniform of khaki shorts and shirt and heavy boots.

His ebullience was infectious and Australian officials sought him out for photo opportunities and to promote Australia internationally.

Irwin’s public image was dented, however, in 2004 when he caused an uproar by holding his infant son in one arm while feeding large crocodiles inside a zoo pen. Irwin claimed at the time there was no danger to the child, and authorities declined to charge Irwin with violating safety regulations.

Later that year, he was accused of getting too close to penguins, a seal and humpback whales in Antarctica while making a documentary. Irwin denied any wrongdoing, and an Australian Environment Department investigation recommended no action be taken against him.

Stingrays have a serrated, toxin-loaded barb, or spine, on the top of their tail. The barb, which can be up to 10 inches long, flexes if a ray is frightened. Stings usually occur to people when they step on or swim too close to a ray and can be excruciatingly painful but are rarely fatal, said University of Queensland marine neuroscientist Shaun Collin.

'Extraordinarily bad luck'
Collin said he suspected Irwin died because the barb pierced under his ribcage and directly into his heart.

“It was extraordinarily bad luck. It’s not easy to get spined by a stingray and to be killed by one is very rare,” Collin said.

News of Irwin’s death spread quickly, and tributes flowed from all quarters of society.

At Australia Zoo at Beerwah, south Queensland, floral tributes were dropped at the entrance, where a huge fake crocodile gapes. Drivers honked their horns as they passed.

“Steve, from all God’s creatures, thank you. Rest in peace,” was written on a card with a bouquet of native flowers.

“We’re all very shocked. I don’t know what the zoo will do without him. He’s done so much for us, the environment and it’s a big loss,” said Paula Kelly, a local resident and volunteer at the zoo, after dropping off a wreath at the gate.

Stainton said Irwin’s American-born wife Terri, from Eugene, Ore., had been informed of his death, and had told their daughter Bindi Sue, 8, and son Bob, who will turn 3 in December.

The couple met when she went on vacation in Australia in 1991 and visited Irwin’s Australia Zoo; they were married six months later. Sometimes referred to as the “Crocodile Huntress,” she costarred on her husband’s television show and in his 2002 movie.


Shocking, yes.


Source: MSNBC

Wedding Registry

For the fun of it, heh!

Sunday, September 03, 2006




Nak tidur dah. Selamat pagi...

Saya rindu kat awak.....

*102 days,13h,34m 15s and counting* Heh.