Friday, December 30, 2005

Musim bunga dah berlalu...

At what point of a relationship really; when you start to squabbles over all the small things. It's like everything now matters, right to the smallest details. A promise to call but none, an errand need to be run for the other half but not, replying long SMS (it's an SMS isn't it? So it's meant to be short, no?) with just a word (read='K') didn't seem appropriate anymore, not enough TLC (over the phone that is, heh!). When did these exactly happen? When your relationships had gotten to that 'comfort zone'? When both parties are sure they are on the right tracks and they are going no where; leaving their partner no matter what happens?

Well, not that these squabbles lead to another major. It's just communications. Between two persons whom are trying to lead a life together. But at the same time, trying to lead their own life. Needing their own spaces.

IMHO, these squabbles and maybe misunderstanding are important way to communicate. Not wanting to have anything to say to your partner means trouble; it means that you didn't care too much about him/her to put a right to things that you don't feel at ease with. Or maybe to care enough of his/her actions about things.

I've had a relationship with 'no communication' as such. It had reached a point whereby i couldn't bother anymore to tell him of his wrongdoings and he had reached a state that he wasn't bother about myself being. And it hurt. Really hurt when you were in a relationship but it didn't seem to exist. And true, it didn't last either.

Right now, i'm in a relationship which have communications; with squabbles,misunderstandings, anger at times thrown in. Not too good at times, but we are working out on the 'technical' side. There's some good times too. But isn't that relationship between 2 very different people all about? Give and take, comprising. It's not always rosy. And i have heard/read somewhere that all-sweet relationship won't last wrong. Won't it..?



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